Year: 1980–1984
Actors: Henry Corden
Directors: N/A
Writers: N/A
Plot: Scruffy Alley cat rules his neighborhood. Rejected monsters drive about doing odd jobs. Clumsy, lovable great dane gets into mischief without meaning to.


She-Ra: Princess of Power
Year: 1985–1987
Actors: Melendy Britt, George DiCenzo, John Erwin, Linda Gary
Directors: N/A
Writers: N/A
Plot: Princess Adora raises her magic sword and becomes She-Ra, the most powerful woman in the universe, to aid her friends in defeating the Evil Horde so their planet Etheria can be free.

Jonny Quest
Year: 1964–1965
Actors: Mike Road, Tim Matheson, Don Messick, Danny Bravo
Directors: N/A
Writers: Doug Wildey
Plot: The Quest family and their bodyguard investigate strange phenomena and battle villains around the world.

The Littles
Year: 1983–
Actors: Jimmy Keegan, Bettina Bush, Alvy Moore, Robert David Hall
Directors: N/A
Writers: Heywood Kling
Plot: Animated series about a 13-year-old boy named Henry Bigg who goes on vacation and finds mouse-like creatures in his suitcase called Littles. There’s a whole family of Littles. William and …
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