Year: 1985–1987
Actors: Melendy Britt, George DiCenzo, John Erwin, Linda Gary
Directors: N/A
Writers: N/A
Plot: Princess Adora raises her magic sword and becomes She-Ra, the most powerful woman in the universe, to aid her friends in defeating the Evil Horde so their planet Etheria can be free.

She-Ra: Princess of Power

Taxi Driver (1976)
Director: Martin Scorsese
Writer: Paul Schrader
Stars: Robert De Niro, Jodie Foster, Cybill Shepherd
Plot: A mentally unstable Vietnam war veteran works as a night-time taxi driver in New York City where the perceived decadence and sleaze feeds his urge for violent action, attempting to save a preadolescent prostitute in the process.

Krull (1983)
Director: Peter Yates
Writer: Stanford Sherman
Stars: Ken Marshall, Lysette Anthony, Freddie Jones
Plot: A prince and a fellowship of companions set out to rescue his bride from a fortress of alien invaders who have arrived on their home planet. Produced by Ron Silverman and released by Columbia Pictures.
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