Movemie A to Z
- A
- B
- Back To The Future(1
- Bad Boys (1983)
- Bad Boys (1995)
- Banshee
- Barbarella
- Barbie and the Rocke
- Barnaby Jones
- Batman
- Baywatch
- Beat the devil (1953
- Beauty and the Beast
- Beetlejuice (1988)
- Beetlejuice 1988
- Benny hill (1969)
- Big Trouble In Littl
- Bill & Ted's Excelle
- Black Christmas (197
- Blade Runner (1982)
- Blazing Saddles
- Bob's Burgers 2011
- Bonanza
- Borderlands Video Ga
- Boss (2011)
- C
- Cactus Flower
- Caddyshack (1980)
- Call of the Wild (19
- Candyman (1992)
- Captain Cave Man
- Casablanca (1942)
- Cat People (1982)
- Cats (1998)
- Centurion
- Charlie's Angels (19
- Charmed (1998–2006
- Child's Play (1988)
- Cinderella (1950)
- City That Never Slee
- Clerks 1994
- Close Encounters of
- Coming to America (1
- Cool Hand Luke
- Cornbread, Earl and
- Cyrano de Bergerac 1
- D
- D.C. Cab
- Dark Night of the Sc
- David Copperfield (1
- Dawn Of The Dead
- Death on the Nile (1
- Death Wish (1974)
- Deliverance (1972)
- Dinosaurs (1994)
- Dirty Harry
- Doctor Detroit
- Doctor Dolittle (196
- Dog Day Afternoon (1
- Dora the Explorer 20
- Downton Abbey (2010
- Dr. Strange
- Dr. Suess' How The G
- DuckTales
- Dumbo (1941)
- Dune (1984)
- Dungeons & Dragons 1
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Dunkirk (1958)
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- MacGyver (1985)
- Magnum Pi (1980)
- Manhattan
- Mannequin
- Marley 2012
- Marlowe 1969
- Mary Poppins (1964)
- Matlock
- Mean Girls 2004
- Meatball (1979)
- Men in Black (1997)
- Mighty Morphin Power
- Minecraft Video Game
- Misfits of Science (
- Mister Rogers' Neigh
- Monster Hunter (2004
- Mortal Kombat (1995)
- Mrs. 'Arris Goes to
- Ms. Marvel in X-Men
- Mulan (1998)
- Muminki/mumins
- Murder on the Orient
- Murphy Brown
- My Little Pony: The
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- Samson and Delilah 1
- Scarecrow
- Scooby-Doo 1969
- Serpico (1973)
- Shaft (1971)
- SHAZAM! (1974-1977)
- She-Ra: Princess of
- Small Wonder
- SMS für Dich 2016
- Snow White and the S
- Sonic the Hedgehog (
- Space balls (1987)
- Space Jam (1996)
- Speak No Evil 2022
- Splash (1984)
- Stargate
- Starman (1984)
- Starsky and Hutch
- Storyboards
- Stripes (1981)
- Sunset Boulevard
- Super Friends
- Super Fuzz (1980)
- Super Mario Bros. 19
- Super Troopers (2001
- Superfly (1972)
- Suspiria (1977)
- Sweet Sweetback’s
- T
- Taxi Driver (1976)
- Teen Titans 1967
- Terminator (1984)
- Terminator 2: Judgme
- Thanksgiving 2007
- The Addams Family (1
- The Adventures of Ro
- The Amazing Spiderma
- The Amityville Horro
- The Assassination Bu
- The Beguiled (1971)
- The Birds
- The Birds (1963)
- The Blob
- The Boogeyman
- The Breakfast Club (
- The Cannonball Run (
- The Color Purple 198
- The Concrete Jungle
- The Crow 1994
- The Dark Corner
- The Dead Zone (1983)
- The Delta Force
- The Duke Is Tops
- The Elephant Man
- The Evil Dead 1981
- The Fall Guy (1981)
- The Flash 1967
- The Fly
- The Golden Child (19
- The Good The Bad and
- The Graduate (1967)
- The Grudge (2004)
- The Harder They Come
- The Haunted Mansion
- The Hulk
- The Incredibles (200
- The Intouchables
- The Jetsons (1962)
- The Jungle Book (196
- The King of Marvin G
- The Legend Of Tarzan
- The Lion King (1994)
- The Little Mermaid 1
- The Littles
- The Love Boat
- The Magnificent Seve
- The Matrix 1999
- The Most Dangerous G
- The Mummy (1932)
- The Munsters (1964)
- The Nutcracker (1993
- The Old Man and the
- The Paper Chase
- The Rifleman
- The Rockford Files
- The Shawshank Redemp
- The Shining (1980)
- The Smurfs
- The Sopranos (1999
- The Tale of Peter Ra
- The Toxic Avenger (1
- The Transformer Mov
- The Turn of the Scre
- The Twilight Zone
- The Warriors (1979)
- The Wolf Man (1941)
- Three Coins in the F
- Till the Clouds Roll
- TJ Hooker (1982)
- Tom and Jerry
- Top Cat
- Top Gun 1986
- Touch of Evil (1958)
- Trading Places
- Tremors (1990)
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Y
- Z